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Our Research
Safety Study of Intravenously Administered Human Cord Blood Stem Cells in the Treatment of Symptoms Related to Chronic Inflammation

Numerous investigations suggest thatMesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in general repre-sent a valuable tool for therapy of symptoms relatedto chronic inflammatory diseases. Blue HorizonStem Cell Therapy Program is a leading provider ofadult and children’s stem cell therapies. Uniquelywe have safely and efficiently treated more 600 pa-tients with documenting each procedure.Materials and methods: The purpose of our studyis primarily to monitor the immune response inorder to validate the safety of intravenous infu-sion of human umbilical cord blood derivedMSCs (UC-MSCs), and secondly, to evaluate ef-fects on biomarkers associated with chronic in-flammation. Nine patients were treated forconditions associated with chronic inflammationand for the purpose of anti-aging. They have beengiven one intravenous infusion of UC-MSCs.Results: Our study of blood test markers of 9 pa-tients with chronic inflammation before andwithin three months after MSCs treatmentdemonstrates that there is no significant changesand MSCs treatment was safe for the patients.Analysis of different indicators of chronic in-flammation and aging included in initial, 24-hours, two weeks and three months protocolsshowed that stem cell treatment was safe for thepatients; there were no adverse reactions. More-over data from follow up protocols demonstratessignificant improvement in energy level, hair,nails growth and skin conditions.Conclusions: Intravenously administered UC-MSCs were safe and effective in the improvementof symptoms related to chronic inflammation.Further close monitoring and inclusion of morepatients are necessary to fully characterize theadvantages of UC-MSCs application in treatmentof symptoms related to chronic inflammation.

B.M. Mehling , L. Quartararo , M. Manvelyan, P. Wang, D.-C. Wu