Our Research
Objective: Numerous investigations suggest that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in general represent a valuable tool for therapy of symptoms related to chronic inflammatory diseases. Blue Horizon Stem Cell Therapy Program is a leading provider of adult and children’s stem cell therapies. Uniquely we have safely and efficiently treated over 600 patients withdocumenting eachprocedure.
Methods: The purpose of our study is primarily to monitor the immune response in order to validate the safetyof intravenous infusion of human umbilical cord blood derived MSCs (UC-MSCs), and secondly, to evaluate effects on biomarkersassociatedwithchronicinflammation.Twentypatientsweretreatedforconditionsassociatedwithchronic inflammation and for the purpose of anti-aging. They have been given one intravenous infusion ofUC-MSCs.
Brian M. Mehling, Louis Quartararo, Marine Manvelyan, Paul Wang and Dong-ChengWu