Our Research
Dendritic Cell-cytokine Induced Killer Cell Therapy In Subjects With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia And Peritoneal Cancer

This study aimed to characterize the safety and efficacy of DC-CIK therapy intwo patients with previously treated chronic lymphocytic leukemia or peritonealcancer, respectively. Participants had received conventional chemotherapytreatment for their specific cancers, and in addition, 1–2 treatments of DC-CIK therapy were administered to subjects over the course of 1 year. Subject Areceived an initial dosage of 3 intravenous infusions of DC-CIK therapy on threesuccessive days and a repeat dosage 6 months later. Subject B received an initialdosage of 3 intravenous infusions of DC-CIK therapy on three successive daysand received further chemotherapy after approximately 1 year. No treatment-related adverse events were reported, and both patients experienced favorableoutcomes from the treatment, including enhanced treatment response, increasedchemotherapy tolerance, and prolonged survival in comparison to typical 5-yearsurvival rates

Brian Mehling, DongCheng Wu, Ellen O’Gorman,Daniel Sheridan, Doreen Santora and Renata Mihályová